Thursday, August 31, 2006

So what else is new...?

Yes, folks, I AM alive, though barely. As of now, I'm 'off the clock', as it were, here at work while one of my two newest employees gives a closing shift a try on his own. Therefore, I have a little time to catch you up on my little life.

Basically, things are the same around here: wake up, get dressed, get showered, drive to work, work, home, eat, sleep, lather rinse repeat. The three kids are a mere five days away from the start of the school year, so they're all excited. WTF?? Where did the summer go? I swear it was June 1st just yesterday and here we're knocking on the door at September already? What did I miss? Obviously a LOT.

I received my ring on Monday from my wonderful hubby, which I now sport proudly (the ring, not my hubby, get your minds out of the gutter, eh?!! lol!!). I'm so paranoid that I will scratch, bleach or otherwise maim this thing. I can't begin to tell you how much I love this little band of tri-coloured gold! I can't stop looking at it and squeeing (no, that's not a typo, every time I look at it I go SQUEEEE!!). It fits so perfectly and it looks so nice on my hand :)

In 15 days, Hubby and I are going to see Pete and Roger!! I can't wait! We're going to make a day of it... I get off work at 2 and we're going to go to dinner and then to the concert. Hoping we can get a hold of Parentals to keep and eye on the kids so we don't have to worry about hiring a babysitter that we really don't need, cuz Peej is 13 now but is still a little green in the baby sitting department to do any real night sitting.

*sigh* what else is new? Not too much. I went away for the weekend a couple of weeks ago, and have decided that I'm a relationship/visiting friend jinx. Without going into much detail, I witness the partial dissolution of a relationship, the torching of a friends' only vehicle and I'm telling you, I've seen more of Toronto than I care too EVER AGAIN!!! All in all, it was a great weekend, but I don't think I want to do all that by myself anymore. Best to take Hubby along for moral support and directional assistance! LOL!!

Yikes, once again, I've written a novel, and I think I've run out of things to say for now. Hope everyone is having a GRAND week, and will continue said grand week all the way through the long weekend!


At 8:13 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it sounds like Toronto will never be the same again! ;) I really hope everyone is okay. And what happened to your friend's vehicle?!?! That sounds so scary!

At 10:13 a.m. , Blogger Raevyn said...

Some beknighted ASSHOLE stuffed a rag in their gas tank and torched it.

Fucking idiots in that town!!


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