Alright, already!! Moooooo! Joining the herd!!
– List 10 television series.– Have your friends guess your favorite character from each one.
– You can cross out the show/character when someone guesses correctly.
Note: I don’t have these series in order of preference. I’m just typing them down as I think of them.
4. Star Trek:TNG ::
5. LOST::
8. Alias ::
Edited to add: Hey, you know, I just realized that I don't have Grey's Anatomy in there... so I'm adding an 11th!!
Ooh! I'm late to the game! And yes, I would have guessed Rupert for Survivor. ;)
So let's see what's left:
1. House: Cameron?
2. CSI: Grissom? If not, I have a second guess.
4. TNG: no clue. Hmm...
5. Lost: Kate?
8. Alias: I would have said Sydney, but Ted guessed that and he doesn't seem to have been right. I'm going to have to guess Michael Vaughn.
10. L&O: CI: Goren
11. Grey's Anatomy: I don't know, we've never discussed the show. Izzy?
L&O: SVU (or as I'd often call it, SUV ;) ) - Olivia Benson?
I'm a craptastic guesser. :P :D
House - House!! :D
L&O: SVU - Munch?
ignore that last SVU guess *sigh* I need a braaaaaaaain.
Alias: Ana Whatsherface?
Nope! Guess again, Ted!
And nope to Ana whats-her-face, Minerva!
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